Forgive Us, We Don't Know What We Are Doing (or we would stop) By Terri Broome God has taught me something so powerful over the last few weeks and I want to share it with everyone. It has to do with Jesus as He was dying on the cross. Every recorded word from that precious mouth is full of meaning far beyond our ability to comprehend. Jesus Words from the cross give real meaning to,
You Can’t Love Others If You Loathe YourselfBy Terri Broome Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself or Loathe Your Neighbor as You Loathe Yourself. I have never met a person who could freely love and enjoy others who did not love themselves. I’ve never met a person who loved themselves properly who did not love God first and foremost. The two go together…or should I say the three go together. I hear churches and
February 5, 2022
Why Do My Kids Put Me on Blast? | Terri Broome
Why Do My Kids Put Me on Blast?By Terri Broome If you want to know what an average day looks like in the home of any adult with children, spend a little time with their kid. Our homes have an atmosphere and our children are steeped in that atmosphere. They don’t know how to hide both their good and bad qualities because they aren’t little hypocrites yet. They walk in the truth of what they
September 23, 2021
Can God Walk Us Through a Murder? | Terri Broome
Can God Walk Us Through a Murder?By Terri Broome We see it in the news all the time. People are murdered and nobody truly knows what happened except the person who is dead and the one who killed them. But that’s not really true. There is always one more person who witnessed every crime ever committed and that is God. I’m not sure I would have believed what I’m going to share could have unfolded as
September 16, 2021
Why Am I a Control Freak? | Terri Broome
Why Am I a Control Freak?By Terri Broome “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” ― C.S. Lewis I love that quote because Lewis puts into words so many reasons we are like we are. For everything down here that we desire, there is a reason. We are made in God’s image and we cannot completely
September 9, 2021
How to Rest in Troubled Times | Terri Broome
How to Rest in Troubled TimesBy Terri Broome Have you ever had to pry your child off of you to hand them to a daycare worker or to a church nursery volunteer? The person you handed them to will try to comfort them, but it’s never complete comfort. It’s a little desperate heart trying to find rest and security. Some children will be ok in a few minutes, but there are some that will not
September 2, 2021
Why Did Jesus Pray? | Terri Broome
Why Did Jesus Pray?By Terri Broome (Disclaimer: No one knows the answer to this question completely…least of all me) Have you ever wondered why Jesus spent so much time in prayer? We don’t read very often about Jesus being at the synagogue with a scroll unrolled pouring over the text, but we do read things like this: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went
August 20, 2021
Witness = Martyr | Terri Broome
Witness = MartyrBy Terri Broome Daddy,” she had said one day, “I am afraid that I will never be strong enough to be a martyr for Jesus Christ.” “Tell me,” her father wisely responded, “when you take a train trip from Haarlem to Amsterdam, when do I give you the money for the ticket? Three weeks before?” “No, Daddy, you give me the money for the ticket just before we get on the train.” “That
August 12, 2021
Learning to Value What We Can’t See | Terri Broome
Learning to Value What We Can’t SeeBy Terri Broome I sat across from a beautiful lady with a failing marriage the other day. I listened to her and then shared what the Bible said about who she should be in spite of who her husband is. According to most people and probably most church leaders, she would have good reason to flush her marriage down the toilet. I saw hope beyond measure for her and
August 6, 2021
The Audacious Love of God | Terri Broome
The Audacious Love of GodBy Terri Broome Audacious-showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. I don’t know much about a man named Dutch Sheets but he told a story that has resonated with me about the heart of God. Dutch’s father was a pastor and at a young age, Dutch gave his heart to God. However, when Dutch was 17, his father shattered his entire family. He had an affair with the church secretary,
Difficult People Reveal What’s Really Inside of Me By Terri Broome How many of us have thought our lives would be wonderful (and we would be so much nicer) if only we could remove a certain person from our midst. We think they cause us to be things like fearful, jealous, irritated, angry, or insecure. What if I told you they don’t. Difficult people only bring out the things that are often deeply hidden within
I Did Not Parent Well; Now They are Teenagers By Terri Broome If you failed to raise your children right in their formative years, I have some advice for you. Shut your mouth. You have missed the time for talking and training. God created our children (in their early years) to be pliable; to watch every move we make, and listen to every word we say. We are their heroes whether we deserve it or