The Secret Way to Get Everything We NEED from GodBy Terri Broome We all have a deep need to be seen. Let’s just admit it. It’s a God-given need in every single one of us. “Jesus often used the lives of children to teach us deep truths about how we should live.” Jesus often used the lives of children to teach us deep truths about how we should live. Children are very honest about how
Trust What God Says Over What You See I Dare You!By Terri Broome “We have a soul that can relate to God but our soul is wrapped in flesh and the flesh has cravings and often speaks so much clearer and louder than the truth.” I love the way God speaks to us earthly creatures in scripture. Spiritual things are very hard for us to wrap our minds around because we are flesh and blood.
March 24, 2020
The Crazy Ways of God | Terri Broome
The Crazy Ways of GodBy Terri Broome I went to Charlotte, NC the other morning to be with and pray for a dear friend before her surgery. I left home a little early to be sure I wasn’t flying in last minute. I wanted to be a calming presence. This precious very young mom (twenty-six years old) was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and I was one of the first people she called. We have been
For the Sake of Your Children, Get to Know GodBy Terri Broome “Those two words should never go together (miserable and Christian), but more often than not, they do.” I counsel people often that are miserable. These people are usually professing Christians. I used to be a miserable Christian. Those two words should never go together (miserable and Christian), but more often than not, they do. I want to speak directly to those of us
February 27, 2020
Zip Your Lips; It Will Change Your World | Terri Broome
Zip Your Lips; It Will Change Your WorldBy Terri Broome Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:27 “Listen up everyone reading this, nobody likes to be around someone who talks all the time.” God’s ways are so opposite our ways. Who but God could say a person who is full of knowledge will not talk much? I mean, if we know a
February 20, 2020
Why God Tests You; The Gateway to Glory | Terri Broome
Why God Tests You The Gateway to GloryBy Terri Broome “This is a test. For the next sixty seconds, this station will conduct a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test.“ “Life is a test and I am writing this to give you further information. Believe me, none of us want to fail the only test that will matter in the end.” We have all heard the irritating sound that warns us
February 13, 2020
God Has Secrets; He Tells Them to His Friends | By Terri Broome
God Has Secrets; He Tells Them to His FriendsBy Terri Broome “According to scripture, we are to do every single thing for God’s glory but sadly, according to Ecclesiastes, we do everything we do for another reason.” Look around. The world is full of secret things. How does dirt plus a seed produce a tree? How do clouds hold so much water and carry it to other places before it drops rain? How does a
February 6, 2020
Superman (He Lives in Your House) | Terri Broome
"Superman (He Lives in Your House)"By Terri Broome “Think about it, we are all made “Imago Dei”…in the image of God. I have to pause at that statement and really let it sink in.” In every single person, greatness lies dormant. Think about it, we are all made “Imago Dei”…in the image of God. I have to pause at that statement and really let it sink in. Every single person we come in contact with
January 16, 2020
God Haters | It’s the Human Condition
"God Haters" It's the Human ConditionBy Terri Broome “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” ― A.W. Tozer We hear it all the time, “God loves you,” “God is love,” but hardly anyone really believes this. Over the past thirty years or so I’ve talked to many people. As we talk about their problems, I’ve found a constant thread running through almost all of their stories. Deep down,
December 18, 2019
Antifreeze, Spiders and God
Antifreeze, Spiders and God (They have more in common than you think)By Terri Broome God’s attention to detail in the created world is mind-boggling to say the least. My husband and I were doing what we do almost every evening a few nights ago…sitting on the porch. He smokes a cigar and we chat about our day. We may talk about funny things that happened during our day, watch the birds that come visit our
November 14, 2019
Who am I…really?
"Who am I…really? (Trust Me, Most of Us Don’t know)"By Terri Broome None of us know who we really are unless we walk in the truth. Since Jesus is the truth and His Word is the truth, if we do not soak in the presence of both, we will forfeit everything valuable in this life. How can I make such a bold statement? There is a terrifying passage in the Bible that says, “ On that
October 23, 2019
“Sifted”| How God Can Use Our Greatest Failures |
"Sifted" How God Can Use Our Greatest Failures By Terri Broome I don’t know about you, but I never want to be the topic of conversation between God and Satan. It never really goes well for the person being discussed. We see this a couple of times in scripture and I am not envious of either of these guys. Their names are Job and Peter. I have often said about Job, “Can you imagine being